Nintex roadmap 2018 March
Nintex will support push message in Nintex mobile, when you start/stop a nintex workflow in SharePoint or Nintex workflow cloud, your nintex mobile will popup a notification. This enhance the user experience.
Nintex will support push message in Nintex mobile, when you start/stop a nintex workflow in SharePoint or Nintex workflow cloud, your nintex mobile will popup a notification. This enhance the user experience.
Nintex workflow cloud (NWC in short) can connect with Slack with a very high speed. I create a simple workflow in NWC to post a simple message in a Slack group. I start the workflow externally by Mac’s curl command, i can see the message appear in Slack client in less than 1 second, which…
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In mid-January 2018, two thematic workshops were held for Polyu COMP Year 2 to Year 4 students, providing them with an overview of application development in enterprise environment and hands-on experience in developing IoT applications with Microsoft Azure Platform. We hosted an “Intelligent Chatbot Workshop” in which students could acquire practical knowledge of AI, IoT…
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