SharePoint goes 3D
Having a 3D space in SharePoint is funny https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/sharepoint-spaces-7b65edfb-7cc9-42e3-af37-178d79364a5e
Having a 3D space in SharePoint is funny https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/sharepoint-spaces-7b65edfb-7cc9-42e3-af37-178d79364a5e
Refer to https://support.office.com/en-us/article/use-microsoft-planner-on-your-sharepoint-site-73040e0a-560e-41a0-b520-47c1a3bab3cb . Now we can create Plan in SharePoint. I believe higher level of integration with Planner is coming.
On 2019/03/13. We joined an event to promote Office 365 solutions with Microsoft & Multisoft to The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers . They are interested in SharePoint solutions and it was a nice day to inspire them with latest Office 365 technologies.
Our new web-part to display GitLab project in SharePoint Online
We joined agilepoint to provide free training on azure+agilepoint for polyu students. They have learnt fundamental skillset to start creating their chatbot app based on azure and ageilpoint cloud.